Sunday, 11 October 2020

New Normal - Diane Scantlebury

Welcome to our new world,
Our new freedom,
New existence,
All things are possible
At a social distance,
Get used to a virtual life
A sanitized society,
Where fear of physical contact rules
Fueling stress and heightened anxiety,

Welcome to our new world
To travel abroad is
Too much trouble,
A crowded staycation
Is our only relief,
And our children play in a bubble,

Arrows painted on the ground
Lead us in circular,
Confusing directions,
Dodge the strangers
Don’t look them in the eye,
It’s for our own protection,

Once locked safely away in lockdown
We emerge,
Face covered, informal,
To a life we no longer recognize,
This is our new antisocial,
New normal.

Diane Scantlebury

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