Sunday, 6 January 2019
Question Mark - Diane Scantlebury
It was up at the court on the hill
And in the dock stood Mark,
A beady eyed advocate questioned him
Asking him where he’d parked,
What were the road conditions?
Was it daylight or after dark?
Mark scratched his head in thoughtfulness
And tried to search his mind,
Had he parked in a proper space
Or was his wheel on the yellow line?
The judge grew impatient
And tapped his foot,
It was nearly lunchtime
And he was hungry and cross,
Mark realised then that he’d no chance
And that his case was lost,
So Mark offered up a guilty plea
Then promptly paid the fine,
The moral of this sorry tale is, if in doubt,
Don’t park on the yellow line!
Diane Scantlebury
Diane Scantlebury,