Sunday, 26 February 2017

The Nerve - Philip M Gale

Have you got the nerve
to take it all the way
make it work when all goes bad
fight another day.

Then rise above the odds
to do your given best
battle on against the pain
without a day of rest.

Can you hold your nerve
when they destroy all your trust
turn the other cheek
still love life when love is lost.

Can you look at danger
stare it in the face
have you got the nerve
to join the human race.

Philip M Gale

Wednesday, 22 February 2017

Trash Ethics - Donald Keyman

We're sending the tip of our refuse iceberg
To the land of Lindgren, Larsson and Strindberg
Yes, thank you Sweden, especially for Abba
Please take these pots from a rusting old crabber

So put out your bags, pile them up on the corner
They're all being sent to their own personal sauna
We're sending our empties, wine, spirits and beer
Crushed and shipped like a flatpack from IKEA

Mamma Mia! it's Swedish, our trash is now sexy
Who wants to dump it on boring old Jersey?
But, can you imagine Bergman and Garbo
Raking through Guernsey's rubbishy cargo?

Donald Keyman

Sunday, 19 February 2017

Young Smokers - Diane Scantlebury

As he gazed up from his buggy with wondrous eyes,
A plume of mushroom shaped smoke
Hovered darkly above his head,
Poisonous fumes from the glowing stick
His mother clenched between her lips,
He marvelled as she exhaled,
Every puff obscuring her face
In a peek-a-boo game he’d played before,
She’d reappear suddenly with a throaty cough
Then bend and sweep him up,
Pressing his face into the familiar
Acrid perfume of her jumper,
He was too young to have a choice
Or to know that her selfish habit,
Would eventually cause
His untimely death.

Diane Scantlebury

Wednesday, 15 February 2017

Anyone For Tennis? - Oscar Milde

We hit words to and fro,
employing power and back-swing,
serve and volley,
determined, each, to score points off the other.
We both started out with Love
but now it’s six-two, six-three
and the neighbours are complaining
about the racquet.

Oscar Milde

Sunday, 12 February 2017

Valentine - Tony Bradley

My beautiful Valentine, all life now has reason
this was destined, from the day of my birth
the sight of you has set my soul on fire
never has such beauty graced this Earth.

Never could you love me, such barriers between us
born different times, and places, worlds apart
but you're in my heart, and I'm going to love you
the rest of my days, with all my heart.

Tony Bradley

Wednesday, 8 February 2017

No Strings Attached - Lyndon Queripel

Is there anyone else
Besides myself
Just living in hope
Who'd like to know
When you've reached
The end of your rope
Where is there
Left to go?

Lyndon Queripel

Sunday, 5 February 2017

No Smoke Without Fire - Joan Etoile

Some people burn with indignation
While others do it without consideration
Creating bonfires almost all the time
Ignoring the wind and washing lines

Setting fire to tyres and fridges
Yes people know how to burn their bridges
With all the neighbours and other folk
They watch their friendships go up in smoke

Now deputies have got all fired up
Some want the pyromania stopped
But others want a free for all
To turn Guernsey into a fireball

To justify all this hot air
They've invented a pollution scare
The waste strategy's hidden agenda
To stop us combusting all our timber

If the amendments come into law
Let's save up all our plastic doors
To burn 'em legal on a fine weekday
This coming Easter on Good Friday!

Joan Etoile

Wednesday, 1 February 2017

Farewell - Ian Duquemin

"I'll not come to your room" she said
"I'll not come through your door
I'll not be made a fool again
Or treated like a whore"

Said I "But I do love you and if you should come to me
I'll hold you tightly in my arms and treat you tenderly"

"I'll not lay in your bed" said she
"I shall not comfort thee
No longer will I wake with you
Alone then you shall be"

Said I "But in the morning I shall whisper in your ear
And tell you all the lovely things that you have longed to hear"

"I'll not believe a word" she said
"You'll use me as before
And come the morning with the sun
Not want me anymore"

Said I "Tomorrow my ship sails and I may not return
Of all the women left behind it's you that I shall yearn"

"I'll say farewell to you" said she
"And leave you with this kiss
So over seas and under stars
You can then reminisce"

Ian Duquemin

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