Sunday, 5 June 2016

I'm So Poor I Can't Even Pay Attention Anymore - Lyndon Queripel

It seems to slip right through my hand
Just like grains of sand
It burns a hole in my pocket
Unless I get a safe and lock it

I am up to my eyes in debt
It's going to get deeper yet
Penny wise pound foolish they say
Not until the last bill you pay

It always seems so strange
How I manage to lose change
It won't buy you happiness it's true
But it makes misery easier to go through

It's invested in stocks and shares
Some say it talks others say it swears
Some say it makes the World go around
That's why they bury it under the ground

New paper to print new coins to mint
New prices always leave me skint
The technology is so fantastic
Now it's even made of plastic

Man cannot live on bread alone
That's why the banks have all over grown
If you pay the piper you call the tune
Will the one World currency be here soon

You can be rich,you can be poor
For sure you're going to want more
But when you love it more than people
Then you'll find it's the root of all evil

Lyndon Queripel

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