I'm sweating in the electric chair -
Nervous in the fluorescent glare.
You are white-coated with a clinical air;
I can sense your rustling outerwear.
A soothing voice above the distant hum:
"Soon be over, this won't take long,
we'll fix the damage that you've done
Starting off with this injection."
My mouth is dry, my lips are numb
like an appointment, the time has come -
The room it swims and the clock strikes one...
"Did you see the film Marathon Man?"
Yes, I'm sweating in the electric chair -
At the Dentist's - hah! - got you there!
(Say aaaarrrgggghhhhh!)
Stephen A. Roberts
Friday, 5 September 2014
Blog Archive
- Vegetable Patch - Vic Gamble
- The Earth Is Crying - Lester Queripel
- Apocalypse - Richard Fleming
- All Because... - Janet
- Guernsey Poets is back!
- Life Line - Guernsey Poet
- On Returning - Ian Duquemin
- About A Bunion - Kathy Figueroa
- I Feel Like A Stranger In My Own Home - Lester Que...
- Sold the Gold - Diane Scantlebury
- My Comfort Zone - Janet
- Street Man - John E Blaise
- Bring Down The Pyramid - Fred Williamson
- Travellers - Chris Hudson
- Lament Of The Farmhand (1937) - Vic Gamble
- Electric Chair - Stephen A. Roberts
- The Dilemma - Ian Duquemin
- Come Up To Maynooth - Kathy Figueroa
- The Last Adventurer - Adrian Bott
- My Starlight Angel - Lester Queripel