Sunday, 6 October 2013

November 19th 1918 - Alan Marquis

`It’s December next month lads,
and at last there’s nothing to fear.`
`All over by Christmas they said,
though they didn’t mention which year.`

`We’ve a parrafin lamp to see by,
as we write our letters home.`
`no more reason to march anywhere,
never again any cause to roam.`

`A charcoal stove a’glowing,
filled for a change with fuel,
if we sit almost inside it,
there’s relief from cold that’s cruel.`

`And across the way out there,
the foe have no more hate.`
`They’re doing the same as us,
raking embers from the grate.`

`Abandoned are the weapons of war,
no bullets or bombs in the night.`
`Thoughts of peace have substance now,
sleep well my friends, sleep tight.`

R.I.P. John Duquemin, John Rihoy, George Robert. who served with 245 ( Guernsey ) Troops Company RE.
All three perished as a result of Carbon Monoxide Poisoning on the 19th of November 1918.

Alan Marquis

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