Friday, 11 January 2013

CHEMTRAILS - Lyndon Queripel

Chemtrails criss cross the skies
Relining every cloud
Tears burn in your eyes
Beneath a toxic shroud

Chemtrails criss cross the skies
In jet patterns of pollution
The anger in your eyes
Will offer no solution

Chemtrails criss cross the skies
That were clear and blue
The horizon in your eyes
Has turned a dirty hue

Would that explain
The acid in the rain
Or be the reason
For the veil across the sun ?

Chemtrails criss cross the skies
Changing the atmosphere
There’s dust in your eyes
And poison in your air

Chemtrails criss cross the skies
There’s radiation on the phone
There’s shadows in your eyes
And twilight in your zone

Chemtrails criss cross the skies
The Moon has turned to grey
Stars that shone in your eyes
Begin to fade away

Lyndon Queripel

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