Conspiracy, What Conspiracy? - Theo Ryman

I love a good conspiracy.
I really love a plot.
I’m adamant they lied to us
when Kennedy got shot.

I think that Marilyn Monroe
was murdered. Well, she had to go.

I love to think our governments,
the Monarchy and powers-that-be
are hiding or distorting truth,
and evil, scheming constantly.

I’m sure that pretty Princess Di
was murdered though I don’t know why.

I’m certain that, at Roswell,
they hide aliens they caught.
I think sinister Masonic groups
control our every thought.

I know that Nine Eleven day
was funded by the CIA.

I have a large framed photo
of the Monster in Loch Ness
and some authentic Yeti hair
and I have an address

where, if I use by credit card,
I can befriend Jean-Luc Picard.

It’s fun to go down to the pub,
informing folk the truth’s out there.
It’s true they mostly roll their eyes
and edge away, but I don’t care.

I know the Queen’s a Martian spy.
How do I know? Don’t ask me why.

Theo Ryman

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