Clowns - John E. Blaise

Where is the clown with the frown?
I’m searching for the white rabbit
That lives in the bottom of the magician’s hat
Or the dog with the bone free of fat
Barbecued, well done, meaty and thick
Waiting for the fight I’m ready to pick.

Where is the clown with the sad face?
He’s planning to leave and packed his case
Ill- fitting trousers and oversized shoes
Never taken seriously has nothing to lose
A cocktail of smudged greasepaint and tears
He’s never able to expel all his fears.

Where is the clown with the happy face?
Feeling so high in outer space
Bucket of water poured down his pants
Smile disappears as he rages and rants
As the audience laugh, he’s filled with dread
He needs all this like a hole in the head.

John E. Blaise

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